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Hengeler Mueller advises EQT Private Equity on the sale of its 20% stake in Ottobock | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises EQT Private Equity on the sale of its 20% stake in Ottobock

EQT has announced that the EQT VII fund (“EQT Private Equity”) has agreed to sell its 20% stake in Ottobock, the global leader in wearable human bionics solutions, to existing majority shareholder Professor Hans Georg Näder and the Näder Family.


Hengeler Mueller team for EQT Private Equity 

Private Equity/M&A: Daniel Möritz, Hans-Jörg Ziegenhain (both partners, both lead), Lisa Schwarz, Martin Senftl, Patrick Hell, Viola de Blecourt, Alexander Bömer (all Munich), Tobias Schneiders (Dusseldorf, all associates),  

Financing: Nikolaus Vieten (partner), Jennifer Ellen Klein (both Frankfurt), Laura Kylmänen (London, both associates),  

Regulatory: Wolfgang Spoerr, Jan Bonhage (both partner, Berlin), Carolin Raspé, Erasmus Hoffmann (both counsel), Roman P. Kalin, Frauke Mielenhausen, Patrick Oei (all associates, all Berlin),

Tax: Gunther Wagner (partner), Tim Würstlin (associate, both Munich),

Intellectual Property: Astrid Harmsen (counsel), Johannes Jäkle (both Dusseldorf), Patrick M. Schmidt (Frankfurt, both associates),

Employment: Hendrik Bockenheimer (partner), Andreas Kaletsch (associate, both Frankfurt).

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