When published in September, the Draghi report caused quite some stir in the Brussels bubble and across the continent, with people wondering what impact it will actually have on the bloc’s policies.
In Germany, as in many other countries, the promises of generative AI have been widely promoted by Legal Tech providers. This raises the question: are the long-awaited efficiency gains finally within
Our Competition Law in the Digital Age newsletter, produced jointly by the Best Friends group of BonelliErede, Bredin Prat, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May and Uría
M&A transactions often give rise to disputes concerning pre-contractual obligations, enforcement of warranties, or post-closing price adjustments such as earn outs.
When published in September, the Draghi report caused quite some stir in the Brussels bubble and across the continent, with people wondering what impact it will actually have on the bloc’s policies.
Our Competition Law in the Digital Age newsletter, produced jointly by the Best Friends group of BonelliErede, Bredin Prat, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May and Uría
Following the ECJ’s landmark judgment in Illumina/GRAIL, the Commission's “secret weapon” to catch below the threshold mergers, Article 22 referrals, is off the table, at least in its original
In Germany, as in many other countries, the promises of generative AI have been widely promoted by Legal Tech providers. This raises the question: are the long-awaited efficiency gains finally within
Hengeler Mueller is delighted to announce that Sebastian Adam (Tax, Frankfurt), Ingo Berner (M&A, Berlin), Sebastian Dworschak (Antitrust, Düsseldorf), Jan Häller (M&A, Frankfurt), Theresa
On 1 July 2022 Thomas Müller and Bernd Wirbel took up their roles as new Hengeler Mueller co-managing partners succeeding Georg Frowein and Rainer Krause, whose scheduled term ends after four