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Hengeler Mueller advises Deutsche Lufthansa on EUR 2.16bn capital increase | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Deutsche Lufthansa on EUR 2.16bn capital increase

Deutsche Lufthansa AG successfully completed a capital increase with subscription rights of the company’s shareholders utilising the Authorised Capital C. The gross proceeds amount to approx. EUR 2.16bn.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG will use the capital raised, inter alia, to repay the Silent Participation I of the Economic Stabilization Fund of the Federal Republic of Germany (WSF) and thus to widely end the state stabilisation measures. In this context, Deutsche Lufthansa has reached agreements with the Federal Republic of Germany and adapted the contracts with the WSF.

Hengeler Mueller advised Deutsche Lufthansa on the transaction, namely with regard to the contractual relations with the WSF as well on state aid and corporate law aspects. The team included partners Wolfgang Groß (Corporate and Capital Markets, Frankfurt), Georg Seyfarth (Düsseldorf, Corporate) and Hans-Jörg Niemeyer (State Aid and Subsidies, Brussels) as well as associates Henrik Gildehaus (Capital Markets, Frankfurt), Anja Linnertz (Corporate, Düsseldorf), Lukas Ritzenhoff and Joachim Hannes Burger (both State Aid and Subsidies, Brussels).

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