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Hengeler Mueller advises banks on EUR 350m ESG-linked financing for Nordzucker | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises banks on EUR 350m ESG-linked financing for Nordzucker

Nordzucker AG has signed an ESG-linked EUR 350m syndicated credit facility with a bank syndicate. The new facility replaces an existing syndicated loan and has a term of five years with extension options for up to two additional years. The interest rate is linked to an ESG rating of the company. Commerzbank, Coöperatieve Rabobank and UniCredit acted as coordinators.

Hengeler Mueller advised the bank syndicate on the transaction. The team included partner Henning Hilke as well as associates Tom Shingler and Antonius Rodewig (all Financing, Frankfurt).

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