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BRUSSELS À JOUR – LA RENTRÉE 2024: Fall Forecast: Key Competition Law Developments You Need to Know After the Summer Break | Hengeler Mueller News
Kartellrecht, Fusionskontrolle

BRUSSELS À JOUR – LA RENTRÉE 2024: Fall Forecast: Key Competition Law Developments You Need to Know After the Summer Break

Late summer has been anything but calm this year in Brussels and Luxembourg. The ECJ has delivered three landmark judgements on Illumina/Grail, Apple, and Google Shopping. Mario Draghi unveiled his much-anticipated report on competitiveness. Oh, and President Von der Leyen introduced her new College of Commissioners. With these major developments, we’re set for an eventful fall. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered: In our annual Rentrée issue, we have summarized all you need to know for the coming months in the fields of merger control, antitrust, state aid, and foreign subsidies.

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