Hengeler Mueller represents the Björn Steiger Foundation in its constitutional complaint against the Rescue Service Act (RDG) of the State of Baden-Württemberg and against the federal government's legislative failure to regulate the quality of rescue services. Established in 1969, the Björn Steiger Foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to improve emergency assistance and rescue services in Germany. Hengeler Mueller is lead counsel for the six complainants together with other legal representatives.
Already when the law came into force, the foundation voiced criticism of the new regulations and announced that it was preparing a constitutional complaint. The state is not adequately fulfilling its duty to protect the fundamental rights of citizens, as the responsibilities and structures for emergencies are not clear and still do not meet international standards. Furthermore, the main subject of the complaint is the failure of the federal government to regulate the quality of the rescue service.
With the constitutional complaint, the foundation seeks to have the incompatibility of the current regulation with the German Constitution determined, in order to initiate a nationwide improvement.
Hengeler Mueller for Björn Steiger Foundation
Regulatory: Wolfgang Spoerr (partner, lead, Berlin).