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Hengeler Mueller advises Warth & Klein Grant Thornton on the expansion of its market presence in Northern Germany | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Warth & Klein Grant Thornton on the expansion of its market presence in Northern Germany

The offices of auditors PKF Fasselt Schlage in Hamburg and Rostock will be joining Warth & Klein Grant Thornton AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft ("Warth & Klein Grant Thornton") on 1 October 2020 with nine partners and a total of around 100 employees.

Hengeler Mueller advises Warth & Klein Grant Thornton on the expansion of its market presence in Northern Germany. The team includes partners Christian Schwandtner (Corporate/M&A), Dirk Uwer (Professional Law) (both Düsseldorf) and Christian Hoefs (Employment, Frankfurt) as well as associates Maximilian Hermans (Corporate/M&A, Düsseldorf) and Susanne Walzer (Employment, Frankfurt).

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