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Hengeler Mueller advises United Internet on the acquisition of 13.9 million treasury shares during its public share buyback offer | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises United Internet on the acquisition of 13.9 million treasury shares during its public share buyback offer

Hengeler Mueller has advised United Internet AG in the course of the public share buyback offer by United Internet AG announced on 14 February 2023. The offer was based on the buyback of up to 13.9 million shares in total. By the end of the offer period, a total of 27,553,147 shares were tendered to the Company. The Company will hold approximately 10% of its share capital as treasury shares following the completion of the transaction.

The Hengeler Mueller team comprised partners Daniela Favoccia (Corporate/M&A) and Wolfgang Groß (Corporate/Capital Markets) as well as associate Julia Tittel (Corporate/M&A, all Frankfurt).

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