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Hengeler Mueller advises Porsche SE on record bond of EUR 1.6 billion | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Porsche SE on record bond of EUR 1.6 billion

Porsche Automobil Holding SE (Porsche SE) has issued a further bond with a volume of EUR 1.6 billion, the largest bond without a rating in the market. The bond comprises two tranches with maturities until September 2029 and September 2032: EUR 750 million and EUR 850 million, respectively. The bond has been oversubscribed several times.

Porsche SE intends to use the proceeds to refinance existing financial liabilities and to build up strategic liquidity for potential investments.

Hengeler Mueller team for Porsche Automobil Holding SE

Capital Markets: Alexander Rang (partner, lead), Julia Weidner (counsel), Konrad Schäfer (associate, all Frankfurt),

Corporate: Carsten A. Schapmann, Gerd Sassenrath (both partners), Manuela Roeding (counsel), Maximilian Metzen (associate, all Dusseldorf). 

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