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Hengeler Mueller advises Nadia Thiele on the transfer of majority stakes in Knorr-Bremse and Vossloh to Heinz Hermann Thiele Family Foundation | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Nadia Thiele on the transfer of majority stakes in Knorr-Bremse and Vossloh to Heinz Hermann Thiele Family Foundation

Heinz Hermann Thiele Family Foundation has received shares from the estate of Heinz Hermann Thiele. In accordance with Heinz Hermann Thiele's will, the foundation now controls a 58.99% stake and associated voting rights in Knorr-Bremse AG and 50.09% in Vossloh AG. The shares were transferred as part of an agreement with Nadia Thiele, the widow and heir of Heinz Hermann Thiele, and Robin Brühmüller, the executor of the will, to fulfil a respective legacy.


Hengeler Mueller team for Nadia Thiele

Succession law /Corporate: Christian Wentrup (partner, lead, Düsseldorf), Hans-Jörg Ziegenhain (partner), David Negenborn (senior associate, both Munich), Jonas Drögemüller (Düsseldorf), Konrad Heßler (Munich, both associate),

Litigation: Markus Meier (Frankfurt), Mathäus Mogendorf (Berlin, both partner), Yasemin Jüngling (senior associate, Berlin),

Tax: Matthias Scheifele (partner), Sebastian Adam (senior associate), Julia Gramer (associate, all Munich).

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