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Hengeler Mueller advises Lekkerland on sale of Convenience Concept GmbH to Valora | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Lekkerland on sale of Convenience Concept GmbH to Valora

On 27 January 2012, Lekkerland Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, belonging to Lekkerland Group, has sold all shares in Convenience Concept GmbH to Valora Retail Convenience GmbH, a subsidiary of stock-listed Valora Holding AG headquartered in Switzerland. The transaction is subject to approval of antitrust authorities. Convenience Concept GmbH operates a franchise and partner system with approximately 1,300 convenience stores in Germany which are to be supplied in future by Lekkerland.

Hengeler Mueller advised Lekkerland on this transaction. The Hengeler Mueller team was led by partner Ingo Klöcker (Corporate/M&A, Frankfurt) and included partner Alf-Henrik Bischke (Competition, Brussels) as well as associates Manuel Zandt (Competition), Maximilian Clostermeyer, Markus Böhler, Sandra Bolz, Björn Bork and Gunnar L. Schmüser (all Corporate/M&A) (all Frankfurt).

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