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Our new co-managing partners at Hengeler Mueller | Hengeler Mueller News
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Our new co-managing partners at Hengeler Mueller

On 1 July 2022 Thomas Müller and Bernd Wirbel took up their roles as new Hengeler Mueller co-managing partners succeeding Georg Frowein and Rainer Krause, whose scheduled term ends after four years.

Thomas Müller, who is based in Frankfurt, has been a partner since 1996. He primarily advises large international private equity investors on German and European transactions in real estate law and has developed Hengeler Mueller's real estate practice to become one of the market leaders in Germany.

Düsseldorf-based Bernd Wirbel has been a partner since 2004, serving as resident partner in the firm's London office for four years. He primarily advises on domestic and cross-border M&A transactions, corporate restructuring measures and public takeovers.

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