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Hengeler Mueller advises Waterland portfolio company Skaylink on acquisition of root360 | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Waterland portfolio company Skaylink on acquisition of root360

Skaylink, a European cloud service provider and a portfolio company of Waterland Private Equity, has agreed to acquire root360, a leading provider of managed services in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud environment. The acquisition marks the next step for Skaylink on its way to becoming a leading provider of managed cloud services for enterprise customers and medium-sized businesses in the DACH region. The founders and management team of root360 will remain on board and will invest in Skaylink.

Hengeler Mueller advised Skaylink on the transaction. The team was led by partner Elisabeth Kreuzer (M&A, Munich) and included partners Christian Hoefs (Employment, Frankfurt) and Vera Jungkind (Public Law, Düsseldorf), counsel Matthias Rothkopf (IP/IT, Düsseldorf) as well as associates Isabella Stocks, Achim Spengler (both M&A, Munich), Franziska Biggel (Employment), Marius Marx (Tax), Henning Hilke (Financing) (all Frankfurt) and Carsten Bormann (Public Law, Düsseldorf).

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