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Hengeler Mueller advises Imker Capital Partners on participation in SAP Fioneer | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises Imker Capital Partners on participation in SAP Fioneer

Imker Capital Partners has acquired an equity stake of approx. 40% in INOS 20-054 GmbH, a holding company that owns 80% of the shares in SAP Fioneer GmbH, from Hasso Plattner Foundation and its affiliates. SAP Fioneer is a provider of financial services software solutions and platforms with 1,000 employees across 14 countries.

Hengeler Mueller advised Imker Capital Partners on the transaction. The team included partners Thomas Meurer (Corporate/M&A), Wolfgang Kellenter (IP/IT) (both Düsseldorf) and Christoph Wilken (Antitrust, Brussels), counsel Astrid Harmsen, Andrea Schlaffge (both IP/IT) and Anja Balitzki (Antitrust) (all Düsseldorf) as well as associates Maxi Ludwig, Benedikt Mertens, Anika Sonnenberg, Benedikt Statz, Tim Fabian Walter and Christian Wienke (all Corporate/M&A, Düsseldorf).

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