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Hengeler Mueller advises African Parks on establishment and start of operations of German foundation on a pro bono basis | Hengeler Mueller News

Hengeler Mueller advises African Parks on establishment and start of operations of German foundation on a pro bono basis

The environmental and animal protection organisation African Parks Network has established a German foundation aiming at the collection of large donations. The non-profit organisation takes on the complete responsibility for the rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities. It currently manages 19 national parks and protected areas in 11 countries (Angola, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe) covering over 14.2 million hectares.

Hengeler Mueller advised African Parks free of charge on the establishment and the start of operations of the registered charitable foundation African Parks Deutschland Stiftung. The team included partners Andreas Austmann (Corporate/Foundation Law, Düsseldorf) and Stefanie Beinert (Tax, Frankfurt) as well as associates David Annussek (Corporate/Foundation Law, Düsseldorf) and Florian Ferrenberg (Tax, Frankfurt).

The advice of Hengeler Mueller was provided in the course of the pro bono activities of the firm. As part of its social responsibility, Hengeler Mueller provides pro bono legal advice in support of good causes. The focus is on charitable institutions which are active in fields such as education and science, health care, the environment, arts and culture, human rights and the rule of law, as well as in the fight against hunger and poverty.

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